Whoops, it looks like I went net-dead for a while there. And after I said I wouldn't and all!
Well, Quail also sent in her UC app, but it was much less rigorously checked (read: not at all) and was basically forced out at the last minute so that the parents could drag her out to Black Friday shopping.
Speaking of which, Black Friday is not all that exciting. I didn't buy anything :D
Well then, what have I been doing?
I'd like to say art, but that wouldn't be true.
Nay, Quail has been playing video games. And not just any video games!
Mariokart Wii and an MMO.
For shame!
...I have no regrets.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to y'all!
I am thankful for:
existing, the internet, and endorphins, in addition to my friends and family :D
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
What Hawk is Doing For the Rest of Vacation
Forcing down fluids like a dehydrated walrus.
You never appreciate health until you get sick :(.
You never appreciate health until you get sick :(.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkeys
You know it's Thanksgiving when Christmas commercials start airing.
Happy Turkey Day, my chickadees :).
I wish I had something incredible for you guys to read, but my few days of break have not been too exciting.
I stayed up until 1 AM last night trying to tweak a few words on my UC essay...and I've finally sent it in. Happy Happy.
To celebrate, I spent today fatting in front of the TV, eating thinly sliced apples and flipping between trashy television and "Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream."
I look forward to dinner's hot pot, though. Here's a tip for you hot pot eaters out there: mix some Asian barbecue sauce with a raw egg yolk and dip your veggies in it. It tastes better than it sounds.
Happy Turkey Day, my chickadees :).
I wish I had something incredible for you guys to read, but my few days of break have not been too exciting.
I stayed up until 1 AM last night trying to tweak a few words on my UC essay...and I've finally sent it in. Happy Happy.
To celebrate, I spent today fatting in front of the TV, eating thinly sliced apples and flipping between trashy television and "Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream."
I look forward to dinner's hot pot, though. Here's a tip for you hot pot eaters out there: mix some Asian barbecue sauce with a raw egg yolk and dip your veggies in it. It tastes better than it sounds.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
You have _1_ unheard message. First unheard message:
Pwn indeed, Hawky dear.
After writing a beautifully figurative personal statement about answering machines, I realized that:
A) I am not an answering machine
B) I don't have split personalities, as my essay would suggest
and C) Prompts are meant to be answered, but when have I ever done what was requested of me on things like this?
Back to the drawing board.
Or rather, the typing board (keyboard?) because I need to draw some other things on the drawing board.
After writing a beautifully figurative personal statement about answering machines, I realized that:
A) I am not an answering machine
B) I don't have split personalities, as my essay would suggest
and C) Prompts are meant to be answered, but when have I ever done what was requested of me on things like this?
Back to the drawing board.
Or rather, the typing board (keyboard?) because I need to draw some other things on the drawing board.
Friday, November 21, 2008
A lovely little anecdote for you readers.
My class is currently reading Steinbeck's masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath. It is by far my favorite book this year. Definitely trumps The Great Gatsby. Ooh, I've got a story about that, too. *digression alert*
So the first book my class had to read this year was Gatsby. Sweet chirruping canaries, I am either a complete barbarian or an erudite literary scholar whose aesthetics far transcend those of standard state-mandated schooling (which doesn't say much, I realize). But I really thought the book was too simply written with too much to read into. I wrote my essay and believed I was done with it forever.
Sadly, it was not meant to be.
While I was watching another Quiz Kids match on TV, Brad asked, "Though Gatsby pursues Daisy, he does not marry her. What is the name of the man who does?" (or something along those lines. In no way is that quote reliable enough to be used in lawsuits or the like). As if that were not enough. During the Stanford Junior Cardinal Classic tournament, our team got a bonus on--you got it, Gatsby. And we only got 20/30 points. Bah humbug.
Oh ho, but that is not it. Even Gaston Caperton snuck up on me with this one. When I took the SAT, one of the questions in the writing section was a sentence about The Great Gatsby. I just about barfed.
Oh yes, back to literature I like.
My friend was puzzling over the definition of the word "pone" and asked me to enlighten her. That word is a tricky tricky one--easy to mispronounce. A classmate overheard the tail end of our conversation and asked to be in on it.
"She just wanted me to tell her what porn is."
Curse my clumsy tongue. I can't even prononce a Spanish r after three years of taking the language. Though I enjoy assignments for which I have to make a board game using 15 vocabulary words about the environment.
I suppose the story after which this is titled is actually the least entertaining bit of the whole post.
My class is currently reading Steinbeck's masterpiece, The Grapes of Wrath. It is by far my favorite book this year. Definitely trumps The Great Gatsby. Ooh, I've got a story about that, too. *digression alert*
So the first book my class had to read this year was Gatsby. Sweet chirruping canaries, I am either a complete barbarian or an erudite literary scholar whose aesthetics far transcend those of standard state-mandated schooling (which doesn't say much, I realize). But I really thought the book was too simply written with too much to read into. I wrote my essay and believed I was done with it forever.
Sadly, it was not meant to be.
While I was watching another Quiz Kids match on TV, Brad asked, "Though Gatsby pursues Daisy, he does not marry her. What is the name of the man who does?" (or something along those lines. In no way is that quote reliable enough to be used in lawsuits or the like). As if that were not enough. During the Stanford Junior Cardinal Classic tournament, our team got a bonus on--you got it, Gatsby. And we only got 20/30 points. Bah humbug.
Oh ho, but that is not it. Even Gaston Caperton snuck up on me with this one. When I took the SAT, one of the questions in the writing section was a sentence about The Great Gatsby. I just about barfed.
Oh yes, back to literature I like.
My friend was puzzling over the definition of the word "pone" and asked me to enlighten her. That word is a tricky tricky one--easy to mispronounce. A classmate overheard the tail end of our conversation and asked to be in on it.
"She just wanted me to tell her what porn is."
Curse my clumsy tongue. I can't even prononce a Spanish r after three years of taking the language. Though I enjoy assignments for which I have to make a board game using 15 vocabulary words about the environment.
I suppose the story after which this is titled is actually the least entertaining bit of the whole post.
If we were a movie....
I have the worst channel-surfing luck D:.
So it's the end of an incredibly hard and ...for lack of a better word, I shall plagiarize Quail...failing week. And I just want to sit in front of the TV and vegetate like a tomato.
Just another reminder that in order to succeed in this world, one can just look pretty and have a nice voice. Meanwhile, the rest of us need to struggle through college apps.
On to happier things.
Gunn did win the second Quiz Kids match (against Archbishop Riordan), and the episode will air in the beginning of January. We're going to play round 3 the week after the airing.
And yes, I really did give a shoutout to the blog :).
I wish I had something of substance to post here.
...Nah, I think I'll spare you guys and save the emo rantings for another day.
So it's the end of an incredibly hard and ...for lack of a better word, I shall plagiarize Quail...failing week. And I just want to sit in front of the TV and vegetate like a tomato.
Just another reminder that in order to succeed in this world, one can just look pretty and have a nice voice. Meanwhile, the rest of us need to struggle through college apps.
On to happier things.
Gunn did win the second Quiz Kids match (against Archbishop Riordan), and the episode will air in the beginning of January. We're going to play round 3 the week after the airing.
And yes, I really did give a shoutout to the blog :).
I wish I had something of substance to post here.
...Nah, I think I'll spare you guys and save the emo rantings for another day.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
In which a quail goes insane
This past week, I've been failing pretty bad at sleep and schoolwork and non-schoolwork and pretty much life. I'm not sure why.
Let's just say too many things caught up at once at a really bad time.
At any rate, it only gets better from here. Thanksgiving, here we come. I'm looking forward to the pumpkin pie :D
Let's just say too many things caught up at once at a really bad time.
At any rate, it only gets better from here. Thanksgiving, here we come. I'm looking forward to the pumpkin pie :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Keep Holding On
My newest song obsession is Avril Lavigne's Keep Holding On.
Just two more months until we're second semester seniors.
In other news, taping of round two for Gunn's Quiz Kids will be tomorrow.
The Eyrie will receive some publicity, as I've chosen to talk about the blog for my interview. I'll monitor the traffic we get before and after the show airs and post results :).
Expect updates on the competition. =]
Just two more months until we're second semester seniors.
In other news, taping of round two for Gunn's Quiz Kids will be tomorrow.
The Eyrie will receive some publicity, as I've chosen to talk about the blog for my interview. I'll monitor the traffic we get before and after the show airs and post results :).
Expect updates on the competition. =]
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Chinigamis only eat apples.
I haven't had a peeled apple in so long.
Today, on an impulse, I grabbed the trash can, an apple, and a peeler. As I tried to keep from slicing my fingernails off in the process, I realized how long it's been since I've had the time to chop up an apple and eat it with a fork. It's not that I haven't had time. I always find it strange when people "don't have time" to do something that takes only a minute or so. That's just exhaustion speaking.
And I know that's what everyone else my age is feeling. College apps, cranky econ teachers, and helicopter parents--what more can go wrong, really?
When I was in middle school, my grandma used to live a block away. She'd come over before I got back from school and she'd have made noodles or brought fruit or strange Asian snacks. I remember not liking her cooking--the noodles were usually soggy and the vegetables a sad brown color. When she chopped apples, she dipped them in salt water to keep them from turning brown. I hated the watered-down taste and usually left them for my brother to eat.
It makes me sad knowing I didn't appreciate having a warm, home-cooked meal in front of me. Or that I didn't eat those apples--my grandma knows I love apples. Now I come home and stare at the empty fridge. Maybe grab some Nature Valley bars or crunch one of those brown pear-apple doohickies. Packaged, simple food.
It's an incredibly lonely feeling, and even honey oat bars get old after a while.
Side notes:
My grandma is still alive and healthy ~knock on wood~
Yes, I know it should be "Shinigami." It is a pun. If you don't understand it, you don't know me.
Today, on an impulse, I grabbed the trash can, an apple, and a peeler. As I tried to keep from slicing my fingernails off in the process, I realized how long it's been since I've had the time to chop up an apple and eat it with a fork. It's not that I haven't had time. I always find it strange when people "don't have time" to do something that takes only a minute or so. That's just exhaustion speaking.
And I know that's what everyone else my age is feeling. College apps, cranky econ teachers, and helicopter parents--what more can go wrong, really?
When I was in middle school, my grandma used to live a block away. She'd come over before I got back from school and she'd have made noodles or brought fruit or strange Asian snacks. I remember not liking her cooking--the noodles were usually soggy and the vegetables a sad brown color. When she chopped apples, she dipped them in salt water to keep them from turning brown. I hated the watered-down taste and usually left them for my brother to eat.
It makes me sad knowing I didn't appreciate having a warm, home-cooked meal in front of me. Or that I didn't eat those apples--my grandma knows I love apples. Now I come home and stare at the empty fridge. Maybe grab some Nature Valley bars or crunch one of those brown pear-apple doohickies. Packaged, simple food.
It's an incredibly lonely feeling, and even honey oat bars get old after a while.
Side notes:
My grandma is still alive and healthy ~knock on wood~
Yes, I know it should be "Shinigami." It is a pun. If you don't understand it, you don't know me.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I don't think my mom's too happy about Obama's win.
As I commuted with my mother in our pollution-emitting vehicle, I heard the opening chords of the Dixie Chicks' "Landslide." Like any normal person, I reached for the dial to change the radio station.
It is almost unnecessary to explain that I always change the radio station away from hideous early 90's soft rock.
Then my mom snapped,"This is my car! You don't change the station without asking me! If you were sitting in Obama's car, would you change the radio station?! You're the kind of people who support Obama!"
...Yeah. I don't get it, either.
It is almost unnecessary to explain that I always change the radio station away from hideous early 90's soft rock.
Then my mom snapped,"This is my car! You don't change the station without asking me! If you were sitting in Obama's car, would you change the radio station?! You're the kind of people who support Obama!"
...Yeah. I don't get it, either.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
You're never too old.
I have resolved to stop talking in third person because it's getting old.
Since the last monster post was Quail's, I guess it's my turn.
Most exciting things this week were Wondercup and, of course, Halloween.
Wondercup was ok.
Now, on to Halloween.
So some might say that high schoolers shouldn't trick-or-treat because we're getting the candy young children deserve. Well, answer me this. How many young children have to write college applications? We teens are the ones who ought to have a night of pure sugar-crashing just to restore our sanity.
As senior citizens, we tried to do something memorable.

I think we succeeded.
I came out of the crossdressing experience realizing how comfortable guys' clothing is. The shorts don't adhere to one's thighs and one does not need to spend 50% of her life pulling her shirt down because--guess what?!--it already hangs past her knees. But at the same time, the headband was making my hair poof up and restricting blood flow to my brain. I hope that didn't adversely affect the econ test I took that day.
On another note, is this cat not the freakiest thing you have ever seen?
Since the last monster post was Quail's, I guess it's my turn.
Most exciting things this week were Wondercup and, of course, Halloween.
Wondercup was ok.
Now, on to Halloween.
So some might say that high schoolers shouldn't trick-or-treat because we're getting the candy young children deserve. Well, answer me this. How many young children have to write college applications? We teens are the ones who ought to have a night of pure sugar-crashing just to restore our sanity.
As senior citizens, we tried to do something memorable.
I think we succeeded.
I came out of the crossdressing experience realizing how comfortable guys' clothing is. The shorts don't adhere to one's thighs and one does not need to spend 50% of her life pulling her shirt down because--guess what?!--it already hangs past her knees. But at the same time, the headband was making my hair poof up and restricting blood flow to my brain. I hope that didn't adversely affect the econ test I took that day.
On another note, is this cat not the freakiest thing you have ever seen?
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