I've decided to shake things up a little.
Rather than continue posting day after day of interesting little side jokes and epiphanies, I think I'll try to blog about things more relevant to the world we live in. I'm aware that if you have enough time to check this blog on a daily basis, you're pretty much either a netmonger or a hardcore fan. Fans are appreciated, but I gotta be honest. The Eyrie is low-key. There are probably like...two of you. Meanwhile, someone like Perez Hilton, who blogs about the lives of a few people who just happen to be in the eye of society because they're
attractive, gets a backlog of traffic every day.
Sometimes, a person reaches a point in his life where he suddenly realizes that everything he's been doing up to that point is pretty much useless. I'm sick of clicking through my manga bookmarks in hopes of an update, and I no longer wish to lurk on forums while being influenced by the opinions of others.
As a high school senior, I wonder how I could have so much time on my hands and so much work at the same time. I get my work done, but my mental state is just all over the place in the periods I assign for mental relaxation. I've found that I spent that leisure time sitting in front of my computer thinking "what happened today?" and wondering what I could have done differently to make things turn out better. There's nothing wrong with self-reflection, but it's pretty depressing when all you can concentrate on are failures.
Psychologically, I think it'd be healthier if I took my net-surfing time and dedicated it to making one productive post a day. It might take a reader two minutes to scan this, but you all have to know that journalists and other authors of media agonize over word choice for
hours to provide you the entertainment of a few seconds. I'm sure you're all aware of this, being enrolled in English classes that (of course) comport to the standard of No Child Left Behind.
In the spirit of Obama '09, it's time for a change.