I have to admit that one of the reasons I haven't updated is that I always have to log out of my gmail.
It's great that everyone loves Google, but as it takes over the market it makes using different facets of its krakenlike conglomerate annoying. Logging in and out of youtube also affects the account that my gmail is on.
And why does it matter? You never know when you'll get an email from a professor telling you that the homework you're pulling your hair out over has been given an extension. Not that that's ever happened, but wishful thinking, aye?
So as I have survived my first term of college, I laze around doing absolutely nothing on break. I've never had a chunk of free time this big before. In summer, I was traipsing around Japan and then came home to run back and forth from shifts at work--and "breaks" during high school were just extra long periods for teachers to give extra long projects over.
So what do I do now? Hang out with friends and bum around on Facebook. It makes me feel old and decrepit. Especially when I see the class of 2010 celebrating or crying over college acceptances and rejections. I'm back at the bottom of the totem pole as far as school goes--freshman again. And I gotta say, I like it. Pass-fail is nice (though not as incredibly stress-free as it sounds. Caltech is so ridiculously hard. Harder than I bargained for. But it's still awesome). But with every status update from the next kid who was accepted, I'm reminded that I can't stay in my blissful little stage forever. I like being allowed to make mistakes. I like upperclassmen telling me "go to sleep, frosh" because my life is supposed to be so much less stressful than theirs.
The fact that it's not isn't relevant.