So, some updates on life
Post APs was actually busier than Pre APs, but with stuff that I actually enjoy doing :D
I think I spent more time hanging out out of the house in that week than I have in the past few months.
Pool parties and movie hopping and ADVENTURES oh my!
I cleaned my room and the garage!
(but now my room is horribly messy again....)
Oh, and I decided to cosplay with a friend on a whim for FANIMECON 2008. Fun times
So we cosplayed Simon (post and pre timeskip) from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
That involved
getting a sewing machine
buying fabric
making clothes
attention span
Twas very fun. I actually made something! Filled with jank and randomness. Held together by duct tape and questionable stitching.
Amazingly enough, both were wearable and held up through the con (though my jacket was starting to tear in a few places) It was quite the portable sauna, though. Silly unbreathable pleather/sofa stuff.
Anyway, I don't know what I've turned into. Really; cosplaying. At an anime convention. My brother professed disbelief and a desire not to be related to me. Ah well, may as well enjoy myself before my vacationing logical side shows up.
But my brother likes cereal shaped like bunnies, so I don't know what he's talking about.
Con picture of a bunch of TTGL cosplayers, both the cosplays I made included:
Photo courtesy of twfeline on Flickr
And now since it's late and I'm tired and the screen is swimming interestingly, I suppose I shall retire to bed now.
PS. There was a group of evangelical christians protesting and preaching outside the con with a huge sign that said "TURN TO JESUS OR BURN IN HELL". Then Jesus showed up.
(photo courtesy of eschatologist)
They managed to garner quite a crowd of rowdy types, which ended up getting rick-rolled
Here's a video of it (Don't worry, you guys can turn the sound down, since it's hard to hear the rickrolling anyway):
Jesus is never gonna give you up
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