So day 5 (Monday for me) was pretty exciting. We woke up in the morning and explored around Shinjuku in the small streets and found some nice Engrish like:
We ate lunch there and explored. My friends and I also found a photo booth and had a ridiculous amount of fun in there.
Afternoon was Ginza district, which is all the high end stores and name brand stuff, so I skipped out and escaped into the subway with some friends to go to Akihabara.
I wish I had more time at Akihabara! It's the anime and electronics district, which is exactly what I was looking for in Tokyo. Damn, I only had 1 hour there. I did get to buy all the TTGL models I wanted and a crapload of anime stuff for people : D
After that, we ate dinner at this AMAZING sushi place near the hotel. It was cheap and delicious and had the conveyer belt thing. Awesome. There was a waiter that spoke Chinese, too.
Then we went back to the hotel and played with Photo Booth on my computer. Good times.
Another concert day. These days are coming more and more often.
Morning was Edo-Tokyo museum, which was kind of interesting. I took a lot of blurry pictures because it was dark in there, and they didn't let us use flash in most places.
I took a bunch of stupid photos of my friends :D
Me and my stalker camera are best frienddddds
After lunch at the museum, we bussed over to the concert hall and had rehearsal, then break, then pre-concert show (because we couldn't fit some of our pieces into the concert time....whut), then break, then concert!
We had a joint concert with the Tokyo Junior Orchestra Society, which was fun
They were so much more in tune than we were! We played horribly and everybody was dropping things left and right.
Their second bassoonist was kind of cute, though. I'm probaby biased because he's a bassoonist.
Then we went back to the hotel. Tomorrow we leave Tokyo (sadness) and we get to stay at a temple for a night (happiness)
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