Oops, sorry. Wrong one.
Ah, there we go.
In other news, LEAVE OBAMA ALONE. So who cares if AIG gave bonuses to its executives. The media should go focus on Nicole Richie's baby or something more exciting and real than what this crazy situation is being made out to be. Why put Obama under scrutiny when the money wasn't doled out by him? It's like blaming an employer for giving salary to a closet pothead. Besides, AIG had contracts to keep with its employees--to break them, they'd have to fire the workers. And I'm sure we'd all have loved that, which is the exact opposite of the point of a bailout. I don't think I've seen commentary about the situation any better than the most recent xkcd comic:
Thank you, Randall Munroe.
Similarly, the whole "Special Olympics" bowling situation is insane. What, a guy can't make a joke now that he's the President? He apologized...it's fine, it's over. America is composed of a potpourri of hypocrisy--a nice melding of different shades and degrees of it. In a society that acceps dead baby jokes (the majority of us may not, but they exist and therefore are propagated somehow), how dare we waste hours of media scrutiny and minutes of typing up blog posts focusing on a two-second self-derrogatory comment made by some guy who is under an incredible amount of stress? The man was on Leno, for crying out loud. If humor on Leno isn't based on deliberately offensive comments, I don't know what it is. If society really cared about the comment that much, Leno would have to precede his nightly monologue (he is the one who does monologues, right?) with a long list of people to apologize to for the previous night's escapades.
Please. Just let the man do his job so when I get out of college, I can have a job without relocating to China.
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