Friday, February 6, 2009

Just a note

Hawk would like to impress upon Quail the point that "going to eat Pho" means that Pho should be ordered upon arrival at the restaurant.

One does not "go to eat Pho" and order rice vermicelli, no matter how much more delicious it may be. It's a matter of principle. Just as I ate that (horrible) fatty burrito even though I hate burritos. I did it because we agreed that we would eat burritos. (Refer to Super Burrito post) Hello, our last few months together! We should do epicly stupid things that appear pointless to other people (such as blog about the details of "eating Pho") but will always remain in our hearts.

If we said we were going to eat Vietnamese food, I would be a lot less quibble-y. But the point is, we went to "eat Pho." The brananaman agreed with me on this point.  And when we agree, that means clearly, someone should have ordered the freakin' Pho already.

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