Monday, May 25, 2009

I hate spiders.

Ever since Friday, I've been followed around by creepy-crawlies.

Rather than write out a nice, prosey story, I shall conduct an Eyrie first and post snippets from my AIM conversations during the attacks.

Day 1

Hawk (10:46:22 PM):  i was going to the garage to put my laundry in the dryer

Hawk (10:46:25 PM):  and i see

Hawk (10:46:31 PM):  two FAT spiders hanging out on the wall

Hawk (10:46:34 PM):  so me being scared of spiders

Hawk (10:46:41 PM):  i get the flyswatter from the top of the fridge

Willing Ear (10:46:47 PM):       ewwww

Willing Ear (10:46:49 PM):       spiders?

Hawk (10:46:56 PM):  and take a few eons to get the courage to whack one of them

Hawk (10:46:57 PM):  and i miss

Hawk (10:46:59 PM):  but it's dead

Hawk (10:47:01 PM):  so it falls onto the floor

Hawk (10:47:07 PM):  then i stare at it and poke it

Hawk (10:47:10 PM):  and it vanished

Willing Ear (10:47:13 PM):       O_O

Willing Ear (10:47:15 PM):       WHAA??

Hawk (10:47:21 PM):  i think i poked it into the crack between the wall and the floor or something

Hawk (10:47:26 PM):  so i'm like

Hawk (10:47:28 PM):  ..scareed

Hawk (10:47:32 PM):  then i move on to the next one

Hawk (10:47:35 PM):  brave, intrepid soul that i am

Hawk (10:47:44 PM):  and this time i hit it

Hawk (10:47:49 PM):  but it's also dead, because it just falls to the floor

Hawk (10:47:54 PM):  then it starts twitching or something

Hawk (10:47:59 PM):  and i look at it in confusion

Hawk (10:48:01 PM):  suddenly i notice

Hawk (10:48:06 PM):  the corner it fell into

Hawk (10:48:08 PM):  is covered

Hawk (10:48:10 PM):  by a spiderweb

Hawk (10:48:23 PM):  with a daddy longleg (formerly just hanging out) that is now running for its life

Hawk (10:48:25 PM):  so i swat it

Hawk (10:48:28 PM):  and it's still moving

Hawk (10:48:33 PM):  so i get down onto the ground

Hawk (10:48:38 PM):  and beat the bajeezus outta that thing

Hawk (10:48:41 PM):  and i just realized

Hawk (10:48:48 PM):  i never ended up putting my laundry into the dryer

Day 2

~smashes a spider and doesn't sleep in her room that night~

Day 3

Hawk: dude it's ridiculous

Hawk: there was a pillow wedged between my bed and the wall

Hawk: i pull it out

Hawk: two spiders

Willing Ear #2: ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

Hawk: and one was squished

Hawk: ._.

Hawk: yesterday there was a big hairy one and i used my caltech welcome packet to kill it

Willing Ear #2: ewwwww

Willing Ear #2: omg

Hawk: sniffle

Hawk: and that's not even to mention FRIDAY's escapades

Hawk: ughh

Willing Ear #2: wow

Willing Ear #2: well... at least it's eventful?

Really, eventful is not something I prefer when it comes to spiders. 

Okay readers, so lots of people my age have had their baccalaureates and grad ceremonies and doodah. Unfortunately, I have no less than five more projects to do and lack the work ethic to do them. But anyway, I believe I speak for both of us avians when I say that we will have a bit more time now to actually post and entertain you all. So there are a few upcoming blags (are blahs on a blag considered blag?) that you'll want to keep an eye out for.

Last day of fanime tomorrow. Expect summary/opinion writing (maybe Quail will post some pics?). And also to come: a Hawk epic/narrative on my selling experience.

Seeya soon, guys! And (^_^)V/ live long and prosper.

Friday, May 22, 2009

On the eve of something awesome

Finally finally finally.

The tests are done, the projects have begun multiplying like mutant hamsters, the hot weather is making me break out...

The stress has caused conversations between me and my friends to degenerate into a repetitive cycle of "YEUHH BOI!" "SHUT UP!" "when I'm talking to you" and, my personal favorite, "a foofle leffer thuffer thuffs."

Yes,  I think we are a bit burned out.

But we're almost there. After an incredible senior cut day involving wart-nosed squirrels, a canoe on an empty lake, and mashed potatoes inside a movie theater (not to mention SPOCK, which Quail has already expressed sufficiently), I think I'm recharged enough not to completely slack on my projects.

Though, today, for Spanish, I gave a little thought to an "anuncio" I was supposed to present. I made up a deep news story about changing social classes for that announcement (of course, not spending more than three minutes on it). Guess what? "Anuncio" means....commercial. Sigh. Thus, I winged that presentation like the mother of Pegasus.

I'll work a bit harder on math and physics projects, I promise.

But for now...FANIME TOMORROW!! I'd like to thank Quail for making my cloud pants for me, since I will be half-assing a White Beret from Oda's magnum opus One Piece. Half-assing meaning I have the hat and the pants, but will be substituting boots with "da fur" for combat boots and a white muscle shirt (stolen from my brother, which he does not yet know about) for a light purple tee (somehow, that was IMPOSSIBLE to find. Srsly). 

Still, it will be a smashing ~12 hours of otaku-ing, fandom, and wasting money. 

This, my friends, is adventuretime.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Live long and prosper

I know all my friends are completely sick of this, but....


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Celebratory hoopla

Oh birthdays.

I'm too young to think of them as "just another year gone by"! What ever happened to parties! PiƱatas! Sleepovers!

...Right, AP tests.
I place all the blame of the death of my childhood upon standardized testing. Fie on you, devilish multiple choice + guessing penalty! Curse your FRQs and DBQs and 'short' essays and other sundry torture devices!

Oh standardized testing, how I wish to be done with you. Soon the only tests we have to worry about are mid terms and finals! Oh frabjous day!

Speaking of standardized testing, are they all really that standardized? For the AP, perhaps, the curve takes care of making sure the grade distribution is equal, though I really do question the system when 86% of the people who take AP Chinese receive a 5.

For the SAT, there are clearly some groups that suffer and do poorly on the test not because of some flaw in their reasoning capabilities, but because they may not speak English well enough to discern the correct grammar of the sentence used above. Heck, it's difficult for native English speakers to do so as well (not alleviated at all by the fact that public schools are receiving less and less funding, and laying off more and more teachers).

There are some who would argue that this bias is by no means the fault of the test, and that the test does give an accurate score in regards to capabilities, since one won't be getting far without English.

At any rate, the rest of this discussion should be directed towards changing the system in a way that will be reflected in the test. It should also be written later.


Also, Flailing Quail is about to become a bulldog. Ruff Ruff.