Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mallin' like a baller while ballin' in the mall.

I have been shoppping WAY too much lately.

Maybe there's a bit of influence from going to Japan and strolling around Harajuku, which is renown for its ridiculous fashion. Lately, I've been more accepting to different kinds of clothes. Today I decided to be funny and went around in Ross, picking up crazy clothes that I would normally never wear to try on in the fitting room. I ended up buying 75% of the clothes I picked. ._.*

Unfortunately, the expansion of my sartorial horizon means an escalation in the incidence of my shopping trips, which used to be about once a month. I've already been shopping for the last four days in a row. And I'm talking hardcore shopping, meaning enough walking to actually make me sweat inside the air-conditioned mall.

I make excuses by saying I need these clothes for college, but when you're LIVING at school, I'm pretty sure people will be so used to seeing others in their PJs that no one will really care if I show up to lectures sagging my brother's old basketball shorts (I have to admit that is a secret vice of mine at home) and rocking an XXL red T-shirt that reads "Hong Kong: The Perfect Choice!"

Speaking of the minimal importance of clothing, how exactly do stores like Abercrombie expect to get more business when their gigantic ads of hot men focus primarily on the men's bare chests? Additionally, their bags given to clientele who purchase the clothing feature more half naked models. I mean, really. Bags are a form of advertisement a bit more subtle and far more motile than paper stuck to walls. Does toting a bag featuring a sexy shot of ripped, masculine abs scream "I went shopping for clothes at Abercrombie!" or "I went and bought something at the half naked man store!"?

Shouldn't the point of an ad be to show what the store is SELLING? Not that I mind the eye candy. At all.

*Of course, that was only 3 out of 4. Isn't it amazing what statistics can do?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Forever and a Day

Three weeks into college, and it alternately feels like forever and no time at all. Honestly, what with age-related time distortion and a less-than-stellar sense of reality, I'm going to be living in permanent fast-forward for the next four years.

Of course, this doesn't excuse my lack of postage (I don't even have stamps!), but I'm settling in nicely. College is certainly a change in pace. I spend about the same amount of time lounging around in the common room, but solitude is sorely lacking (both an good and bad thing).

So far, I have:
  • Played Poker Face nearly 20 times a day
  • Stayed up until 7:30 AM doing Computer Science problems
  • Become stressed out
  • laughed uproariously with roommates
  • had a miniature party in suite, with I'm on a Boat blaring out of my speakers
  • jumped in puddles with new rain boots
  • learned how to text
  • tried (and failed) to organize my life
  • drilled holes in the wall
  • grown chives
  • become dehydrated (or was that low blood sugar in the morning?)
  • done nothing for an entire day
  • talked to old friends every day of the week
  • IMed my brother more than I ever have at home
  • Fallen asleep on the futon
  • taken apart my computer
  • assembled Ikea furniture
  • ....and a host of other things.
All and all, I'd say it's a pretty good experience so far. More reports to come when I get some sleep in my system.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Artsy fartsy.

You may wonder what all this update spam is for. Well, I leave for college next Tuesday (finally), so I might as well let my artsy side out while I can.

These were actually done a few days ago (I think my drawing binge has died down a bit). It's all One Piece again, of course =).

Eyeless Ace is awesome.

Negative Zoro! And sharktooth Sanji.

These actually make me really embarrassed of my first postings of Zoro down there. Like I said in my last post, I guess practice really does help.

And I promise that I will return to writing something creative and/or entertaining while Quail dominates the artistic side of this blog..once she settles into college life enough to update :P.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Finally, a version of Apologize with the ending. Excuse the recording fuzz; I have no idea how that came in.

You might remember this from my last piano post; it's the completed first movement of Mozart Sonata K5450! Yay!

Here's what I'm working on next.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Even more

Here comes the Zoro fangirling.

The longer you draw, the better it gets, I suppose. Though I'm not sure if it applies to a timespan as short as two days.

Now we all heckle Quail to upload HER art, which I know for a fact includes some amazing dinosaurs dressed as Luddites.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sharpie smells make me happy

I gave up on drawing swords and proportional bodies because I'm impatient. The kung fu version was a random impulse.

Once when I was guarding, some guy who looked like a real-life version of Ace got in the pool. Unfortunately, he had kids. Drat.

Some Ace demotivational posters.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Update Time

As promised, here is one of a few updates to come.
My brother walked in the house and started talking halfway through my attempt to redo "Apologize," so that's going to have to wait.

Here's "Mad" by Ne-Yo.

I've also received my first fanmail! Yeah, apparently random YouTubers do watch my videos. Oh, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

Edit: One more preview of the next full, complete upload. Definitely not perfect.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Nothing but a teaser, unfortunately

I did get my mic and camera working because, unfortunately, I have reverted to the lesser of two evils and rebloated my computer with Vista.

That means that as soon as I can get my pieces up to postable quality, there will be new content up here.

In the meantime, feel free to harangue Quail to update with stories about her college life as you watch this video of me disrespecting One Piece merchandise.

As you can tell, the success with the now WORKING hardware has made me go on quite the webcamming binge. Quail can attest to that.