Friday, May 22, 2009

On the eve of something awesome

Finally finally finally.

The tests are done, the projects have begun multiplying like mutant hamsters, the hot weather is making me break out...

The stress has caused conversations between me and my friends to degenerate into a repetitive cycle of "YEUHH BOI!" "SHUT UP!" "when I'm talking to you" and, my personal favorite, "a foofle leffer thuffer thuffs."

Yes,  I think we are a bit burned out.

But we're almost there. After an incredible senior cut day involving wart-nosed squirrels, a canoe on an empty lake, and mashed potatoes inside a movie theater (not to mention SPOCK, which Quail has already expressed sufficiently), I think I'm recharged enough not to completely slack on my projects.

Though, today, for Spanish, I gave a little thought to an "anuncio" I was supposed to present. I made up a deep news story about changing social classes for that announcement (of course, not spending more than three minutes on it). Guess what? "Anuncio" means....commercial. Sigh. Thus, I winged that presentation like the mother of Pegasus.

I'll work a bit harder on math and physics projects, I promise.

But for now...FANIME TOMORROW!! I'd like to thank Quail for making my cloud pants for me, since I will be half-assing a White Beret from Oda's magnum opus One Piece. Half-assing meaning I have the hat and the pants, but will be substituting boots with "da fur" for combat boots and a white muscle shirt (stolen from my brother, which he does not yet know about) for a light purple tee (somehow, that was IMPOSSIBLE to find. Srsly). 

Still, it will be a smashing ~12 hours of otaku-ing, fandom, and wasting money. 

This, my friends, is adventuretime.

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