Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lay your weary vocal cords to rest

I'd forgotten how tiring social functions are. The lone warrior prowling around the forest of legs and chairs and sofas, drink in hand, looking for victims to corner, or rather, the small mouse timidly approaching a roving band of friendly capybaras, reassured that everyone is a rodent, but all the same intimidated.
No, that was just an excuse to put in a picture of a capybara.

All capybaras aside, the Yale admit reception was (wait, did you know that 'capybara' is not in the Firefox spellcheck? Blasphemy!) very informative, in an informal way. It was relaxed and easy-going, and people generally mixed quite well. It was like a colloidal suspension of two types of particles that mix well together.

At any rate, I have not posted in far to long, and have been remiss in my duties. I suppose I shall report on the status of Science Olympiad, which is currently in a state of disarray due to changing schedules. We did, however, make shirts! Oh happy day!

Pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Annie said...

that is one butt-ugly animal.