Monday, August 8, 2011

Totoro cream puffs

Made from the ever-amazing Anna the Red's recipe here.

It was the reunion of Awkward Hawk, Flailing Quail, and our fellow ornery fowl Duck.

I shall let the pictures speak for themselves.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Truffles, Asparagus Gruyere tart, Watermelon lime punch

I haven't posted for too long, but I have been making food, in addition to getting my act together. Roundup of the week:

Truffles, which ended up much soupier than expected, so they had to be served frozen and were more like frozen balls of extremely rich chocolate ice cream (no complaints here)

Watermelon lime mint punch, which was pretty pulpy but quite delicious! The watermelon wasn't as flavorful as I would have liked, but it was still good with sparkling water mixed in.

Asparagus Swiss tart (there was no gruyere at the grocery store, unfortunately)
The puff pastry made this quite delicious and also quite oily. It was all worth it, though.

In other news, I may start a daily sketch portion of the blog for the foreseeable future. Stay tuned!